Every morning Addie wakes up just a little earlier than I'd prefer. I keep my eyes closed and listen to her talk to herself, hoping that her babbles will get softer and then stop as she drifts off back to sleep. This does happen occasionally, but more often, they get stronger until she realizes that she is ready to get up and wants to let us know it too. I drag myself out of bed and go over to the pack-n-play (her temporary crib) and look down and it never fails...she looks up and grins. The best "good morning" grin ever. That's my morning sunshine. I tried to capture it today, but the real thing is always better :)
Absolutely adorable! I love it when they smile! Love the 3 month pictures! She is getting so big! Hope you are enjoying every minute of it.
OKAY SHE IS THE CUTEST THING EVER!!!! Wholly cow!!!! I totally understand the early thing...Trey wakes up at about6-6:30am every morning...AHHH...he is in the same room as us as well, so it's not that easy to ignore him. This blog is great.
that is a ridiculous dose of cute. i remember when isaiah was that age and he smiled. breaks your heart. now, when i go in a wake him up, he usually just says, "where's mommy?"
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